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A Full Service Mortgage Banking Company

We cater to a wide range of financial situations with specialized loan options. Non-QM loans are designed to serve borrowers who may not meet traditional mortgage requirements but still deserve access to homeownership.

What Are Non-QM Mortgages?

QM Mortgages (also called: “Qualified Mortgages”) have certain features and lenders use traditional methods to verify qualifications.

Non-QM Mortgages are tailored for borrowers whose financial profiles don't neatly fit within the guidelines for QM mortgages. They offer more flexibility and can be a great choice for those with unique financial circumstances who do qualify using alternative criteria.

Our Non-QM Loan Types

We understand every borrower is unique, and that's why we offer several distinct Non-QM loan types:

  1. Bank Statement Loans: For self-employed individuals or those with different income streams, our Bank Statement loans utilize your bank statements to verify income, making homeownership accessible to a broader audience.
  2. Profit & Loss Statement: For self-employed persons, the ability to qualify with a Profit & Loss Statement prepared by CPA, Enrolled Agent or CTEC professional
  3. ITIN Loans: For those who don't have a Social Security Number but have an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), our ITIN loans are designed to help you achieve your homeownership goals.
  4. DSCR Loans (Debt-Service Coverage Ratio): Investors and rental property buyers and owners benefit from using a DSCR loans by qualifying for the loan using only rental income from the property.


Why Choose Non-QM Loans?

Non-QM loans offer several advantages:

  • Flexibility: These loans are more flexible in their approval process, making it easier for borrowers with unconventional financial situations to secure financing.
  • Customized Solutions: Our Non-QM loans are tailored to your unique circumstances, ensuring that you get the mortgage that suits your needs.
  • Access to Homeownership: Non-QM loans open the door to homeownership for those who may not qualify for traditional mortgages.